Thanksgiving is becoming a lost holiday. We should spend the week being grateful.  One of he things that we all must learn to better at is saying thank you. There are plenty of times you want to express heartfelt appreciation.

It’s common knowledge that gratitude can increase your happiness and well-being.

When Jesus encountered the ten lepers on his way to Jerusalem, all ten asked to be healed. All ten obeyed Jesus’ command to go show themselves to the priests. As the lepers went to the priests, they were healed. However, only one returned to thank Jesus.

That seemed to surprise Jesus. “Were not all ten cleansed?” he asked. “Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Luke 17:17).

Jesus did not heal the lepers for the thanks. But He really appreciated it when one He had healed remembered his manners.

Giving thanks is not something that is spontaneous. Expressing our thanks to another person is a deliberate act. We learn to be thankful people by watching those around us.

Gratitude and appreciation are important.  Say Thank you today.

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