Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 12.52.59 PMThe third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete  Sunday.

Gaudete Sunday is further marked by a new Invitatory, the Church no longer inviting the faithful to adore merely “The Lord who is to come”, but calling upon them to worship and hail with joy “The Lord who is now nigh and close at hand”.

Jesus knew that what the Father in heaven had sent him to accomplish for our sake would supersede all that the prophets had done and foreseen in the past. Jesus’ atoning death on the cross cancels the debt of our sins and sets us free to live as citizens of his kingdom. He gives us pardon, healing, and abundant life through his Holy Spirit, and the promise of unending joy with him in his everlasting kingdom.

Two weeks ago I said we should live Advent with intention.

We need to hear the message that is being given by the prophets then and now.

John the Baptist paid the ultimate sacrifice of his life for speaking God’s word and preparing the way for Jesus the Lord and Savior of the world. The Lord Jesus offers us the same assurance of faith and the strength to stand against every force that would try to rob us of our conviction and courage to live and proclaim the good news (the Gospel) of God’s kingdom.

Do you know the joy, strength, and power which Jesus gives to every one who puts their trust in him and the power of the Holy Spirit?

Ask the Lord Jesus to increase your faith and hope in his promises for you.

“Lord Jesus, strengthen my trust in your word and my hope in the saving power of your kingdom. Free me from everything that would hold me back from pursuing your kingdom and your will for my life.”

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